• E36 Twisted adapter, additional BMW manual clamps nr 094

85,93 €
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We offer adapters for additional calipers for BMW E36 series cars (without compact - other announcement) with disc brakes on the rear axle The set consists of two adapters for the left and right side Our product allows you to connect a hydraulic handbrake on a separate clamp

The adapter does not require welding, only screwing to the rocker arm using thread glue

Requires removal of the ABS sensor

The product includes a set of screws necessary for assembly

ATTENTION! In some versions of the control arms, it may be necessary to slightly polish the control arm or adapter In versions with a ventilated disc, the pads may not "take" the disc 100% However, this does not affect the effectiveness of their operation

In case of doubts as to the fit of the product and components that you want to install thanks to our adapter, please contact us by phone or e-mail

Our product is made in POLAND

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